About me

My name is Joaquin Merlo, I have a BSc in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. Currently I hold an Associate Professor position at Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE) and I’m a 4th year PhD student (UBA-CONICET). The goal of my research is to study mechanisms and biomarkers of response and resistance to immunotherapies in melanoma, colorectal cancer and other types of cancer. I have experience in many omics data analyses and machine learning algortihms. I have proficency in R programming language and extensive knowledge of Python and Bash scripting.


  • Spatial Transcriptomics, Computational Biology, Immunoinformatics


  • BSc in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

    Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)

  • PhD student


  • Docente de Genómica y Proteómica

    Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)

  • Docente de Biología y Fisiología Molecular

    Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)